Manifesting on a Loop
This is a (Skeptic-Friendly) podcast for those that are ready to start making their dreams a reality. You will learn, understand, and practice Manifesting from a holistic approach, and based on the proven science behind it (listen, it's not woo-woo!). You need to know that your dreams and goals are closer than you might think, and you have the right to pursue them and see them come to fruition. If you're ready to start your self-discovery and self-development journey so that you can thrive, blossom into your best self, and live your best life, you've come to the right place!
38 episodes
How To Believe In Your Dreams In Spite Of Everything: YOUR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH (E35)
Today, I am giving you the pep talk I give myself on so many occasions, when I'm feeling fearful or doubtful, when I need to remember that my path is the most important thing to me, and that my life is only mine to live. I have to mention Ed My...
Episode 35

Roxie Nafousi's 'MANIFEST: Dive Deeper' Explained: Your Guide To Manifesting 2.0 (E34)
On this episode, we dive deep into Roxie Nafousi's second book, and part two of the orange one, MANIFEST: 7 Steps To Living Your Best Life. In MANIFEST: Dive Deeper (also published as MANIFEST: In Action in t...
Episode 34

Morning AFFIRMATION MEDITATION (SHORT version) For Gratitude, Positivity & Self-Appreciation (E33)
Because you loved the previous episode, here is the short version, so that you can squeeze your morning affirmation meditation into your schedule without sacrificing your beauty sleep!This is the PERFECT meditation to start your day on a gr...
Episode 33

Morning AFFIRMATION MEDITATION For Gratitude, Positivity & Self-Appreciation: Start Your Day Right! (E32)
(Meditation starts at 03:47)Today I wanted to share some morning affirmations. This is the PERFECT meditation to start your day on a great note. Fill yourself with gratitude, positivity and love towards this new day, towards life, and towar...
Episode 32

Facing TRIGGERS: How To Let Them Go + 3 Tips To Deal With Triggers (E31)
Have you ever started crying for apparently "no reason"? Have you ever had a reaction that afterwards seemed "disproportionate"? Do you ever feel incredibly fearful, even when you rationally know it doesn't really make sense?If so, you were...
Episode 31

Dealing With ANXIETY & STRESS + Guided MEDITATION For Anxiety RELEASE (E30)
[Guided Meditation Starts - 17:55]On today’s episode, we discuss anxiety & stress. What is anxiety? Why are we living under constant anxiety and stress? Why is it that so often we can’t seem to turn off our fight-or-flight response? And...
Episode 30

SLEEP AFFIRMATIONS To Embody Your HIGHEST SELF: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind While You Sleep (E29)
Sleep affirmations are a great tool to help reprogram your neural pathways. Your subconscious mind is always listening, even when you're sleeping, and it's all the more susceptible right before you fall asleep. That's why playing affirmations i...
Episode 29

I know, I know… This is not skeptic-friendly. This is actually a very non-skeptic-friendly episode. But this moment would come at some point, my friends. For many, ‘manifestation’ is synonymous with ‘the law of attraction’, and while it is not ...
Episode 28

Guided VISUALIZATION Meditation To Visualize Your DREAM HOME + ANNOUNCEMENT! (E27)
On today's episode, I'm bringing you a visualization meditation to visualize your perfect home, AND I give you all the deetz on something that is coming...The visualization I share here is one I recently did for the monthly session of the S...
Episode 27

F*CK PROCRASTINATION: 3 Ways Of Building DISCIPLINE To Really Commit To The Future You (E26)
On today's episode, we'll discuss the reasons behind our laziness and procrastination habits, we'll define discipline and talk about the different ways to build discipline and really commit to ourselves, as well as how it is connected to our se...
Episode 26

How To (Healthily) Get Over A Breakup: The 3 Major Essentials To Deal With Heartbreak (E25)
Yeah, I know, last week Valentine's Day happened... But breakups are a part of life, and a part of love. They are part of most humans' journey on Earth, part of our experience, so we should learn how to get over a breakup, how to do it in the h...
Episode 25

Roxie Nafousi's 'MANIFEST: 7 STEPS TO LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE' Explained: Your Guide To Manifesting (E24)
WE'RE BACK!!! We went AWOL for a little bit —sorry, but it was a much needed break! However, we're here again and we're coming stronger than ever. On today's episode, I tell you all about the recent event Roxie Nafousi hosted live in London (an...
Episode 24

VISUALIZE Your Vision Board Into Reality! Visualization Meditation To Boost Your Manifesting Journey (E23)
The year 2024 just began, and hopefully you've been following (and practicing) our New Year Rituals, or at least just enough so that you've created a Vision Board. (Which is called an 'Action Board' around here. Thank you, Tara Swart!) Today, I...
Episode 23

HELLO 2024: BONUS New Year RITUAL (E22)
Today, it's just me talking to you about what I like to do every January 1st, something I've been doing for five or six years already and that may not me a very profound ritual, but it is for sure a FUN one! Enjoy!
Episode 22

Cómo crear un TABLERO DE VISIÓN/TABLERO DE ACCIÓN ÚTIL con Julie Habits (E21-II)
Hoy os traigo el primer episodio del podcast en ESPAÑOL. Es el último episodio de 2023 de Manifesting On A Loop y no vengo sola. Mi amiga Julie (de Julie Habits) y yo os contamos cómo crear un tablero de visión, por qué llamarlo "tablero de acc...
Episode 21

The Farewell '23 Series, Ritual 4: Creating the most USEFUL VISION BOARD / ACTION BOARD. Why And How To Do It With Julie Habits (E21-I)
This December, I’m bringing you The Farewell '23 Series, the perfect collection of New Year rituals to do at the end of the year to appreciate the past twelve months, reflect on our experiences, leave some of the unwanted energy behind, cleanse...
Episode 21

The Farewell '23 Series, Ritual 3: New Year's Resolutions REMIXED & How To Stay CONSISTENT (E20)
This December, I’m bringing you The Farewell '23 Series, the perfect collection of New Year rituals to do at the end of the year to appreciate the past twelve months, reflect on our experiences, leave some of the unwanted energy behind, cleanse...
Episode 20

The Farewell '23 Series, Ritual 2: Out With The Old, In With The New. Letting Go Of What Doesn't Serve Us Anymore (E19)
This December, I’m bringing you The Farewell '23 Series, the perfect collection of New Year rituals to do at the end of the year to appreciate the past twelve months, reflect on our experiences, leave some of the unwanted energy behind, cleanse...
Episode 19

The Farewell '23 Series, Ritual 1: Gratitude List Of The Year + Gratitude Meditation (E18)
This December, I’m bringing you The Farewell '23 Series, the perfect collection of New Year rituals to do at the end of the year to appreciate the past twelve months, reflect on our experiences, leave some of the unwanted energy behind, cleanse...
Episode 18

Self-Worth: Learning How To Respect Your Own Limits In A Self-Development Journey (E17)
Learning to respect our own limits, and honor ourselves at all times, in any kind of relationship, is very difficult, but it is key in any self-development, self-improvement and manifesting journey. The answer is simple, but not easy: self-wort...
Episode 17

How To Deal With Negativity From Others When You’re On A Self-Improvement Journey: 3 Strategies (E16)
This week we're discussing a topic that has been mentioned by many as a very difficult thing to do. How do you deal with negativity from the people around you when you're on a self-improvement/self-development journey and you no longer want to ...
Episode 16

On today's episode, I take you through a 25-minute guided meditation to release anxiety or tension, find inner peace and foster self-love and gratitude for our bodies. It includes breathwork and visualization. First, we will release the heavy s...
Episode 15

The Different Attachment Styles & Dating Someone With A Different Style (E14)
Today, we get a little personal again. I share my current situation(ship?) and how much it is helping me in figuring myself out becase, like my therapist says, all relationships are a mirror where we see ourselves, and we can always learn more ...
Episode 14

Have Your Subconscious Beliefs Been Holding You Back? The Subconscious Mind & How To Break Free From Unwanted Mental Limits (E13)
On this week's episode, you will understand your subconscious mind, and your subconscious limiting beliefs, a little better: Where do they come from? Are they serving you? Should you ditch them and go for new ones? As Don Miguel Ruiz would say,...
Episode 13

Fear Of Abandonment & Dealing With Uncertainty: 3 Ways To Face Them (E12)
Relationships of any kind can be hard, especially if you have subconscious fears and limiting beliefs stemming from past experiences (with parents, family members, or romantic relationships). Fear of abandonment is a very common fear that holds...
Episode 12