Manifesting on a Loop
Manifesting on a Loop
The Different Attachment Styles & Dating Someone With A Different Style (E14)
Today, we get a little personal again. I share my current situation(ship?) and how much it is helping me in figuring myself out becase, like my therapist says, all relationships are a mirror where we see ourselves, and we can always learn more about ourselves and get a little extra self-awareness on the way. There are four different attachment styles: anxious preoccupied, fearful avoidant, dismissive avoidant and secure attached. I've learned about my main style and my secondary style of attachment, which account for many of the triggers we all have when dating. You can take the same attachment style quiz I did through the link below.
Attachment Style Quiz (Personal Development School): https://attachment.personaldevelopmentschool.com/quiz/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc-lead&utm_campaign=18002522062&utm_term=&gc_id=18002522062&h_ad_id=615763633356&utm_content=personal%20development%20school%20attachment%20quiz&gclid=CjwKCAjw1t2pBhAFEiwA_-A-NO2rKdpkHtfPLPl6-mrhFX6FhA9qoArT_wT7clHqVCBZFsh-e2lJGBoCQPgQAvD_BwE
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